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Lose The Wheat, Lose The Belly Pioneer

Tony Robbins The Worlds # 1 Life & Business Coach

With all the negative chatter in the world today, I try to promote and circulate positive, informative, uplifting, and helpful content.

So here we go…

In my opinion, Dr. William Davis’s research has done more to identify the health hazards of gluten than any individual or Institution. Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and a New York Times best-selling author. Dr. Davis was one of the first medical professionals to increase public awareness as to the harmful effects of gluten.

Gluten damages the lining of the intestines which creates an environment leading to numerous autoimmune disorders. He was instrumental in explaining that a harmless-looking piece of bread was slowly damaging and degrading human health.

Not afraid to say the right thing

I applaud his bravery in addressing head-on the false information coming from the Big Pharma and Big Food (agricultural) industries.

His research was some of the first to prove the consumption of today’s wheat and grains are linked to intestinal permeability aka leaky gut, diabetes, obesity, inflammation and other forms of auto-immune diseases. These medical conditions generate billions of dollars worth of business for the pharmaceutical industry. You can quickly see he is not a favorite son of Big Pharma.

Where To Find Gluten?

WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY grains are the major sources of GLUTEN. Gluten sounds like glue, right? And guess what? It is! It’s not a coincidence that it sounds like glue, this is where the word comes from. Gluten glues together the villi of your intestines. These villi are designed to increase the SURFACE area of your intestines to absorb optimum nutrition from your food and drink. If these tiny hair-like filaments are GLUED TOGETHER you are not able to absorb nutrients and the surface area of the intestines is greatly reduced, resulting in a MALNURISHED subpar performing body. The industrial application of gluten is that it is used commercially on postage stamps and envelopes due to its stickiness.

Scientific research has shown that WHEAT DRAMATICALLY INCREASES inflammation and fat storage throughout the body. So, you can see he is also not a favorite son of big food companies. It’s certainly a lot more fun to believe the MISLEADING NUTRITION information coming from the large food manufacturers that bread and whole grains are good for us rather than from the science community.

Lies to the public

As mentioned above these LIES to the PUBLIC have LED to the OBESITY and DIABETIC pandemics and contribute immensely to the increasing autoimmune disease, leaky gut syndrome. It should be CRIMINAL that we have been told for DECADES by all the “official” HEALTH AGENCIES that WHEAT and GRAINS are good for our health. This PROPAGANDA is put out by the food industry. The FOOD INDUSTRY uses CORRUPTIVE TACTICS to influence government agencies to overlook the truth and mislead the public at the expense of public health.

Tweaked 1,000 times

In his best-selling book Wheat Belly first released in 2011, Dr. Davis explains weight has been modified and tweaked more than 1000 times over the last 50 years by the food industry scientist to create a highly addictive product. Believe it or not, research has proven today’s wheat addiction is more difficult to break than a heroin or cocaine addiction. In other words, food scientists have been extremely successful in creating an addiction with the purpose to sell more weight products.

Arrows In The Back Of The Pioneers

As mentioned earlier I respect the bravery of Dr. William Davis. Pioneers are known for getting arrows shot into their backs. And Dr. Davis has experienced more than his fair share of attacks, however, with science on his side he has constantly sustained the negative propaganda campaigns coming from the food industry.

The Challenge Of The Truth

Exposing the TRUTH to my clients about the detrimental health effects of wheat as well as all grains is by far the most challenging MESSAGE I teach as a health educator. Also, the fact that the damaging effect may take decades before health is severely compromised makes it all the more difficult for people to take the dangers of gluten seriously. Until their health is suffering everyone wants to keep enjoying their toast.

Honest Info To Public

Doctor Davis is known for empowering his patience. He links his sense of humor with his educational message.

He is a charismatic and recognized authority and this has made him a popular guest on numerous television and podcast programs. He is a recognized and trusted commodity in disseminating honest information to improve the health of the public. His honesty to take on head first the negative propaganda from the pharmaceutical and agriculture industries has resulted in not only being on their Christmas list but also receiving death threats.

His education of the public has resulted in thousands of diabetic patients that today are no longer diabetic.

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  1. Chris Tasker May 25, 2022 at 5:10 pm - Reply

    Great blog I am so sick of the food industry lying to us.

  2. Alex Sanchez May 22, 2022 at 12:26 pm - Reply

    Yes it is unreal how bread goes straight to your waist hips and ass

  3. Lauren Henderson May 12, 2022 at 8:19 am - Reply

    Your blog reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when George’s girlfriend dies from licking all the stamps!

  4. Helen White May 10, 2022 at 11:37 am - Reply

    I didn’t know the word gluten comes from the word glue but it makes sense.

  5. Joe Thomson May 3, 2022 at 7:53 pm - Reply

    Good info in your blog!

  6. Stephen Fletcher April 30, 2022 at 10:22 am - Reply

    Yes I know he has had his life threatened because he has thoroughly exposed
    the corruption in big agriculture

  7. Olga Wildman April 29, 2022 at 9:36 am - Reply

    This doctor is really helping people he has a lot of new information.

  8. Frank Walker April 16, 2022 at 7:40 pm - Reply

    I know both he and the Grain Brain doctor have had their lives threatened because these two guys and their message are bad for big business.

  9. Lacey Johnson April 5, 2022 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    I really like Dr. Davis he is always upbeat and educational

  10. Jorge Castro March 25, 2022 at 11:16 am - Reply

    I never realized how addictive bread really is but it is true

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