6 minutes read time

Dr. Joseph Mercola ”Savior or Snake oil Salesman?”

Tony Robbins The Worlds # 1 Life & Business Coach

According to “Alexa”,  Dr. Joseph Mercola is the world’s most popular alternative health website.

Mercola.com is the  # 1 natural health website in the world for a reason. The site provides straightforward health education that pursues and promotes an alternative approach to helping people versus the archaic traditional medical mindset of “medicate versus educate”. There’s not much money that can be made through education.

“Education is always the solution” 

Those of you who know me know how passionate I am about “education is always the solution”. Heck, I’ve spent 4 decades as a health educator!

Dr.Mercola will tell you his mission is to protect people from the Big Pharma profiteers. 

By educating the public as to the dangers of mercury dental fillings, fluoride in the water and toothpaste, aluminum in deodorant, radiation in your home, the chemicals in children’s cereals and baby shampoos, grounding/earthing to reduce inflammation (these areas just scratch the surface), he has invited himself to be attacked as a “quack” from the mammoth medical and pharmaceutical establishments.


Big Pharma and the medical establishment hire ghostwriters to provide an endless stream of negative articles that cite Dr. Mercola‘s advice as dangerous. 

The pharmaceutical industry funds the large majority of the medical establishment. Much of this comes down to the medical community not wanting to “bite the hand that feeds them”. However, I applaud big-time Dr. Mercola’s bravery to constantly educate the public by taking on these global financial giants.

The No-Grain Diet

Dr. Joseph Mercola - How to live a long healthy Life

In 1997 Dr. Mercola release the No-Grain Diet. This was possibly the first time a health practitioner attempted to bring into public knowledge, the harmful effects of grains. His first brave stance, knowing he would take a lot of heat from less educated nutritionists and the agricultural industry. And all the more impressive coming from a young physician.

However, as the years passed, more research appeared in support of the detrimental anti-nutrient effects of grains. This position of “going against the grain “, was key in positioning him as an alternative health expert. His audience quickly grew from this. 

Dr. M is quick to tell you “there is a lot that the traditional medical communities don’t want you to know” and because of this statement, he has experienced vicious attacks.

Visionary or quack?

After receiving my master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1979, my life has been immersed in the continuing education of getting and keeping people healthy. For more than 40 years I actively have kept my finger on the pulse of the health and wellness industries. 

I said that to say this, Dr. Mercola is one of the most honest men in medicine today.

And over the years you were most likely to hear of the latest valid health practice or protocol from Dr. Joseph Mercola.

And by the way, Savior is the answer to this blog’s opening question.

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  1. Simon Harrington June 18, 2022 at 7:23 pm - Reply

    This guy needs to get more credit. He really helps the public

  2. Liam Schumacher June 15, 2022 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    Good line education is always the solution

  3. Josh Campbell June 15, 2022 at 11:22 am - Reply

    I like your blog I have been a follower of Dr. mercola for many years

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