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Dr. Mark Hyman

Today the world needs more positive praise to offset the negative chatter.

I would like to take the next few minutes to recognize the career of the 9 times New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Mark Hyman.

Some history

I have a long history, nearly 30 years, of respect for Dr. Hymans, a functional medicine specialist.  

To explain this long-term admiration requires me to brag a little bit.

Early in 2 careers

Early in my career, I served as executive director of Palm Air Spa Resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Under my direction, this property was voted “World Best Spa Resort”, two years in a row, by the popular TV show Lifestyles of the Rich and famous. This popular television show would travel the world in search of the finest best experience one could expect in different genres. This recognition pretty much cemented your image and reputation internationally in that area of expertise.

Also early in his career, Dr. Hyman served as co-medical director for the prestigious Canyon Ranch Spa Resort in Lenox, Massachusetts. In those days these two destinations’ spa resort properties were very competitive. So I learned quite some time ago to appreciate Dr. Hyman‘s work and reputation. 

Doing the right thing

I saw early on his bravery in doing the right thing and not being afraid to go against the traditional medical community. Today, I include Mark Hyman in a small handful of medical doctors that honestly promote preventive health practices versus the regurgitation of the traditional medical model of medicating the patient once an illness is in place.

40 years ago I received my master’s degree in health education nutrition and exercise science, and have spent more than four decades in the education of foods that help and foods that hurt the human body. Dr. Hyman and I sing from the same page on many topics. We share the same position on the detrimental effects of dairy, legumes and grains. Mark has proven not shy to go out on a limb explaining how these food groups hurt a person’s overall health. First of all, it is safe to say most medical doctors have no idea the damage to the gastrointestinal tract and inflammation caused by these foods. Secondly, if they do know of the detrimental effects, they often choose to remain silent as to not rock the boat with the food industry, (which by the way is the world’s largest economy), or thirdly their fear of alienating potential patients.


It is impressive to see Dr. Hyman use his various platforms to constantly educate the public which often requires him to go against the conventional wisdom of the medical community.

Got milk = Got sick

A very good example of Dr. Hyman going against the excepted old-school medical practice is his willingness to educate the public of the detrimental effects of dairy. Dr. Hyman has been quoted saying “ taking on dairy in America is like taking on baseball, Apple pie and motherhood”. But again Dr. Hyman is not shy in teaching the truth.

He explains the USDA food pyramid was created by individuals payed from the dairy industry. This explains the Pyramid’s recommendation of drinking 3 glasses of milk daily.

His videos and explanations of the damaging effects of dairy, legumes and grains and their effects on the intestinal tract and inflammation are some of the best, concise educational videos you can find on the Internet.

As a health practitioner

As a health practitioner, my biggest personal challenge is to educate the public on the foods that help and the food that hurt. I know firsthand the heat and criticism one receives when trying to explain how these three excepted food groups are not helping a person’s health. The food industry works hard to keep the detrimental effects of dairy, gluten, lectins and inflammation away from public knowledge. And when a patient is told of the harmful effects they naturally question why they havent heard this before from the media and their doctor “why I have not heard this before?” questioning the validity of the information. This is why I applaud Mark as he is not afraid to disseminate the truth. 

In my opinion, Dr. Mark Hyman’s positive, cheerful personality linked with his in-depth education and experience has positioned him as one of the world’s most recognized functional medicine authorities.

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