6 minutes read time

The father of Health Hacking

Tony Robbins The Worlds # 1 Life & Business Coach

With all the negative chatter in the world today, I try to promote and circulate positive, informative, uplifting, and helpful content.

So here we go…

In less than 10 years Dave Asprey has contributed numerous science-supported, health-enhancing innovations. It is amazing the number of valuable health bio hacks Dave has introduced to the world in a relatively short time.

In 2013 Dave Asprey founded Bullet Proof 360, a company devoted to discovering body, mind and lifestyle bio hacks. In other words, discovering shortcuts to advance a person’s health.

Public knowledge

Dave comes from the tech world in Silicon Valley. He helped quarterback a start-up tech company, which, by design was acquired by a much larger group. The good news was that at an early age he found himself with impressive financial success. The bad news was that he pay for this financial success with his health and found himself 100 pounds overweight!

Young rich and unhealthy

So here he was young and rich but in extremely poor health.

The Mountains of Tibet

With his newfound financial success, his new goal was to focus on improving his mental and physical health, so why not head to the mountains of Tibet to focus on his own well-being.

Yak Butter, yummy!

Dave Asprey-How to live a long healthy life

It was on this trip to the Himalayan mountains that he saw the sherpas and mountain people adding yak butter to a strong tea. This was being done for a reason. The Tibetan people had discovered that consuming a high level of fat would provide both energy and mental clarity.

Inquisitive Dave brought this practice back home and tweaked the recipe to include a high-quality mold-free coffee, grass-fed butter ( yaks were hard to find) and an organic high-grade organic coconut oil which later became his now popular Bullet Proof

Brain Octane.

A new world to conquer…100 pounds!

Now with a new world to conquer, his health, Dave used his coffee recipe as a tool to lose 100 pounds and Bullet Proof Coffee was born.

Bulletproof Coffee was is the first product offered by his new bio-hacking company. The Result? This coffee recipe lived up to the promise of improved energy, mental clarity, appetite suppressant and weight loss tool.

Test dummy

This began Dave’s practice of first financing and testing a product on himself before expanding the tests to include larger test samples all the while gaining the scientific knowledge supporting the next health enhancement hack.

Father of biohacking

In less than nine years he has become known as the “father of biohacking”.

Smart Drug  “limitless”

Dave Asprey-nutrition book

After his recognition as the “Bulletproof Coffee guy”, Dave became known for using a nootropic smart drug known as modafinil, a drug that could possibly increase cognitive function. Dave credits modafinil aka by the brand name Provigil for helping him complete his MBA. He has been extremely open and honest as to the use of this cognitive enhancing drug and has said he publicly uses the tool daily. This was represented in a 7 minute CBS national news feature on Dave’s personal experience.

I too give credit to the use of modafinil in helping in the completion of my book. I stayed focused and could work longer hours when using modafinil. Modafinil is approved by NASA and is used by astronauts in long complicated tasks.

“Bono’s glasses”

Dave Asprey-How to live a long healthy life

Another area where Dave has greatly contributed to educating the public has been on the detriments of exposure to blue light.

Blue light is the light that is emitted from all screens, television, computers and telephones. His solution to protection from the blue light was assistance in the creation of a type of glasses (resembling U2’s Bono) that block blue light. Blocking blue light allows the brain to calm down resulting in greatly enhanced quality sleep. Increase quality sleep results in an increase in body repair and restoration.

What do I think about his products?

To begin with, Dave Asprey is a 2 time New York Times best-selling author.

Dave has introduced numerous shortcuts that have solid legs of support that do enhance health quickly.

What do I think about his products?

As a health educator for more than 40 years, his innovations are impressive.

The 3 products described in this blog, bulletproof coffee, modafinil and blue-blocking glasses are just a few of his discoveries and are used and enjoyed by several million people daily.

Living to 180

Dave circulates in a fraternity of scientists whose goal is extending life expectancy. With his current research, Dave is focusing on living to 180 years old and dying healthy.

I wish him nothing but the best!!!

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  1. Karl Boran June 22, 2022 at 7:14 pm - Reply

    Dave’s hacks work

  2. Danielle Sinden June 19, 2022 at 3:06 pm - Reply

    His glasses do improve your mood

  3. Joseph Robertson June 16, 2022 at 7:55 am - Reply

    Cool I didn’t know the story behind it how he created bullet proof coffee

  4. Chelsie Almeida June 14, 2022 at 11:08 am - Reply

    Didn’t know Dave was once 100 pounds overweight

  5. Andrew Mulder June 10, 2022 at 9:52 am - Reply

    I take Provigil and it really works!

  6. Jessica Long June 6, 2022 at 7:57 pm - Reply

    Is he really planning to live to 180 years old?

  7. Max Thomson May 15, 2022 at 7:01 pm - Reply

    I love bulletproof coffee

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